Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why are rappers trying to be rock musicians?

I'm sure by now you've heard te abysmal "Party Like A Rock Star" by the Shop Boys. It's sets my eye twitching just thinking about the cries of 'Totalllllllly dude!"

Yesterday on the radio I heard a crappy song sampling "Rock N' Roll All Nite" by Kiss and bragging about a rock star life.

Seriously people, this is going too far. Sampling a rock song for a rap song is fine. A little unoriginal, but it can be done well (see the Trick Daddy song that sampled Crazy Train, and Nas - Theif's Theme where he samples Ina-Godda-Da-Vida).

I know rock stars live luxurious lifestyles you see on MTV, and live on a seemingly different level than rockers, though in years past rockers started wearing bling and crap like that. but that doesn't mean yuo need to start wearing a "skul belt and wallet chain" (accessories I heard rapper about in both above mentioned crappy songs). Honestly, how many people still wear wallet chains? A few skaters maybe, but those went the way of the Jnco ultra huge baggy jeans back years ago in high school.

While this is annoying, it can lead to unintentionally humor. Homegrown pretenders and wanna be rappers on MySpace are always funny, but ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to present:
The Ruby Redd Band

Take a listen and tell me that isn't hilariously awesomely lame!

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